Diamond Stripes

Something that is both geometric and modern. Today's Gratitude Item: The AA reminder that my car needed to get a WOF (as well as a service). Suffice it to say,…


Squiggle Boxes

And now for something a bit whimsical. Today's Gratitude Item: The feature in Excel that lets one create a drop down list of names which makes entering student grades quick,…

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Hole String Flower

Simple and made of string. Today's Gratitude Item: Being 'over the hump'. Today was really good but really busy. Thankfully tomorrow should be a bit quieter (fingers crossed). The hope…

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Intense Joining

Similar to last night's offering but nicer (so it got kept). Today's Gratitude Item: Finding some key information quickly and easily. It's good when that happens.

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Super Purple Spiral

This one has a definite 'fern' vibe to it. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to recycle an old teaching video rather than having to make a new one from scratch.…

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Bone Factory

This one looks like a rib production line. Today's Gratitude Item: Short lived outages (which are infinitely better than outages that last a long time).

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Bubble Bullet Hole

Weirdly, there is a tiny butterfly in the middle of this one. Today's Gratitude Item: A busy day where we finally managed to get stuff done (ie: the Internet at…

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Indecisive Butterfly Diamonds

This one is definitely 'different'. Not sure if I like it or not... Today's Gratitude Item: A beautiful long weekend and the fact that the coming week is shorter than…

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Dawn Gyroscope

Similar to yesterday's image but much prettier. Today's Gratitude Item: Cancelling dance! The weather has been horrible and thanks to a timely 'heads up' from one of my dancers, I…

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Fancy Prison

Golden bars = gilded cage. Today's Gratitude Item: An easy day with lots of fairly wet weather - which means not having to feel guilty for not going for a…

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