Partial Dusk

It would be 'Complete' but there's an obvious hole in it. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning how to add an image to a button in Python's Tkinter.


Water Bowl

Or it would be - if gravity was less than it is on planet earth. Today's Gratitude Item: Our garage door got fixed! It had a hissy fit yesterday (long…


Old Modern Deco

The design is sort of 'Art Deco' - especially if one uses one's imagination. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to go back online to download more reading material. It's rare…

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Atomic Flower

This one is 'interesting' rather than pretty. Am not too sure about the more subdued colours. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being able to park in garage again! This one has…

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Copper / Gold Connection

There is something quite mechanical about this one. Today's Gratitude Item: One more *hopefully easy* week of school before the long summer break!

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Hole Door

As in this could almost be a wooden door - except for the rather large holes. Today's Gratitude Item: A random avocado in the fridge which was an integral part…

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Disc Touch

It's hard to describe this one. Let's go with 'interesting' for now. Today's Gratitude Item: Relocating a critical piece of gear that I inadvertently left in a weird place yesterday…

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Old Style Tile

I tried to give it a modern twist but am not sure that said twist is modern enough. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a few odds and ends sorted. Having the…

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A Bit if a Whirl

Not too sure about this one. It's a bit old fashioned for my taste. Today's Gratitude Item: Calendar reminders! The trick is to get one's calendar to send email reminders…

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Holiday Seashell

Reminded me of sea urchin shells, even though it looks nothing like a sea urchin shell. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that the AI generative in Photoshop is often a better…

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