Star Web / Kosher Spider
This one was inspired by Ze'ev who suggested making designs incorporating the Star of David. After that, it was easy to come up with the graphic :) Today's Gratitude Item:…
This one was inspired by Ze'ev who suggested making designs incorporating the Star of David. After that, it was easy to come up with the graphic :) Today's Gratitude Item:…
Made with the same params as "Falling Rainbow". Today's Gratitude Item: That it finally stopped raining! Its nice to be able to go from place to place without getting wet…
I've run out of words! Just enjoy the graphic. Today's Gratitude Item: "Old Faithful". In this case, "old faithful" is my trusty umbrella which I have had since childhood. Its…
I was playing around with Julia fractals trying to make a "cog / clockwork" fractal. It did not work out quite as planned. Never mind. Today's Gratitude Item: Being warm…
I am particularly pleased with how this one turned out. Its dedicated to all my Korean students! The fractal design is uses the same params as yesterday's "Blue Worm" piece.…
Believe it or not, coming up with the title for this one was a bit of a challenge. Eventually my dad named it! Thanks dad :) Today's Gratitude Item: My…
Staring at this one for too long can be hazardous to your health! Today's Gratitude Item: Some unanticipated free time :)
Flown by proud Kiwis, the world over :) Today's Gratitude Item: That I live in one of the world's most beautiful countries. It helps that the people over here are…
I've been meaning to make one of these for quite some time. Its a useful thing to have, especially as this particular symbol appears on the flags of quite a…
I'm not Chinese, but I figured out how to make five sided stars in Apo and thought that their flag could do with a touch of "enhancement". Hope nobody objects…