Flower Net

As in a 'flower' caught in a net. Today's Gratitude Item: A really good day at CS4HS. Am looking forward to 'more of the same' tomorrow.

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3D Lattice

Strange things happened on post-processing. The 3D effect was not nearly as obvious in the original image. Today's Gratitude Item: Having Internet access in my room at CS4HS. This is…

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Very Bright Idea

Perfect for those cold winter days when one forgets what the sun looks like. Today's Gratitude Item:Finally finished updating the eBook that I will use to teach 'basic' databases. Said…

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Rule #10 (revisited)

This one is on my classroom wall. I had one which says 'Just do it' but one of my students plagiarised and then quoted the rule. This one should encourage…

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Another one for my classroom wall. The old 'e' in my alphabet series wasn't working for us. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a relatively old book by Daniel Silva that I…

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Subtle Love

If you look really carefully, you might be able to spot the string hearts in this one. Today's Gratitude Item: A rainy day. My carpool buddy was driving and this…

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Dappled Ocean

Adding some 'perspective' and playing with a variant that distorts everything slightly resulted in this. Today's Gratitude Item: Roadworks have been happening on my regular route home which has meant…

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Space Walk

As in a tunnel in space. Today's Gratitude Item: That our 'report writing' requirements at school are a lot less onerous than they have been in the past. Happily, school…

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Many Moons

This one did not turn out quite as well as hoped. The fact that the image is slightly skew means that looking at it for any length of time can…

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Stripe 90

Named because the pattern on the narrow bars is at right angles to the pattern on the wide bars. Today's Gratitude Item: That the rest of my moderation came back…

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