Magenta Musing
Every so often I feel the need to render a checkered / flower design... Today's Gratitude Item: A replacement spoon for weekdays when I have my breakfast 'to go'. The…
Every so often I feel the need to render a checkered / flower design... Today's Gratitude Item: A replacement spoon for weekdays when I have my breakfast 'to go'. The…
I"m not convinced this one was worth rendering... Today's Gratitude Item: Receiving positive feedback and kind comments from colleagues who use resources that I've shared.
The texture is 'waffles', the colours are 'dawn'. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a massive amount done! I had a day 'off timetable' (and off site) and was able to use…
I thought this one would turn out better. The small version looks nicer than the large version. Today's Gratitude Item: Having extra time tomorrow to work on my level 2…
Or perhaps, one eye among many. Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant day of not having to do much at all. Have been really tired and being able to simply relax…
Saw this one and though 'oh my...' Today's Gratitude Item: Getting time on Monday to complete some urgent project work :)
The shape is right, but the strings are missing. Today's Gratitude Item: Being *mostly* on top of my marking...
An interesting one. This sphere is a bit pointy. Today's Gratitude Item: I reintroduced a *very* old dance this evening and the group seemed to like it. It's good when…
For some reason, this one makes me smile. Today's Gratitude Item: Super fast service from the Tech guys at school. After my hard drive got replaced, Illustrator / InDesign were…
As in the background looks like a creeper type plant but it is behind bars. Today's Gratitude Item: Google classroom has a new 'Gradebook' tool which looks like it could…