Solar Structure

Turns out that I have a bit of a thing for diamonds at the moment. Today's Gratitude Item: Another beautiful, easy day where the weather was good, progress was made…

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Funky String Flower

Another woven design that made me smile. Today's Gratitude Item: Another delightful 'holiday day' which involved walking, eating, napping and puzzling. Said puzzle is coming along nicely (mum helped).

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Soft Blush

The middle is quite pretty - not too sure about the rest though. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being 'done' for the night. It's been a long (but productive) day. At…

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Modern Green Quilt

This one should have been called 'a bit shady'. Today's Gratitude Item: The weekend is finally here! It's been another of those *very long* short weeks.

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Slate Grey Arrows

Every so often using a limited colour palette is the best option. Today's Gratitude Item: Significant progress has been made on repairing the window frame at the back of my…

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Fire Wave Pipes

Weirdly, this looks like part of something much bigger. Today's Gratitude Item: My car-pool buddy who was with me when we got side-swiped on the motorway. Whilst being side-swiped is…

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Woven Silver Star

Sometimes dark grey can be a good colour choice. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: A successful day - despite it being very, very busy. Am super…

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Hail Stone in Progress

Named for the layers and shape. It's 'in progress' because this particular hailstone has large gaps and is therefore incomplete. Today's Gratitude Item: A successful maiden voyage with the 'new…

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Ornate Fabric Fall

Could this be a frozen waterfall in a fractal world? Today's Gratitude Item: A good 'first teaching day'. My students were all well behaved and keen to do well. It's…

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Another Plane Propeller

I like the metallic feel of this one. Today's Gratitude Item: A beautifully relaxing Saturday. Am sort of bracing myself for going back to school on Tuesday.

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