Fan Hut
This one could have been called 'organic alien'. Today's Gratitude Item: That the Friday afternoon traffic was not as bad as feared. Had a fairly smooth run home which makes…
This one could have been called 'organic alien'. Today's Gratitude Item: That the Friday afternoon traffic was not as bad as feared. Had a fairly smooth run home which makes…
This one has a definite 'fern' vibe to it. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to recycle an old teaching video rather than having to make a new one from scratch.…
Today's Gratitude Item: Finishing recording and editing the video series that we'll be using next year to teach our junior students Excel. I still need to upload the content to…
Similar to yesterday's image but I kept it because I liked the symmetry. Today's Gratitude Item: A Sunday that was a lot more relaxed than usual.
As in a fern made of fire. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to relax and recharge (and being up-to-date with my marking).
This is a 'what was I thinking' kind of image. Today's Gratitude Item: A very easy day. It was especially good because my junior programming class are all working well…
Can't see the hearts? Squint and use your imagination. Today's Gratitude Item: Leftovers for a *late* lunch. Naturally said leftovers tasted amazing.
Presenting yet another *blue* spiral fern. Today's Gratitude Item: A really good day spent networking with colleagues and doing lots of Digital Technology 'stuff'.
Sometimes dark colours are good. Today's Gratitude Item: Many of my students did really well in their external assessments from last year. Results were out yesterday and just about everyone…
Ferns are a common occurrence - happily this one actually looks good. Today's Gratitude Item: That tomorrow is the last day that I see my 'extra' *very junior* classes. I've…