Bow Star

This one looks very similar to the kind of bows we use to decorate gifts. For once, the quotation actually matches the image.

Today’s Gratitude Item: That when people who don’t know me well see my work, they assume that I’m an artist and are surprised that I teach Mathematics.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ray

    Can't you be both? 🙂 The two are not mutually exclusive.

    Though I was meaning you can be both an artist and a Mathematics teacher, I'm reminded of Bret Victor, an interface designer that's experimenting with new interfaces to Math with one of the goals being that it becomes a creative medium so to speak. He calls it his Kill Math project.

  2. Dzeni

    Of course it is possible to be both – but as people, we like to simplify as much as possible and often that means thinking of others in only one light.

    Thanks for the link – it looks really interesting.

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