Many Diamonds

Its different, but I like it.

Today’s Gratitude Item: Discovering that at school it is possible to photocopy an A3 page for the same price as an A4 page. This is basically a loophole which might help me get around the photocopy restrictions. I’d feel worse about this if the system made some type of sense but it doesn’t. To print a single page, we get charged 8c. To print that same single page double sided costs 16c even though we are only using one sheet of paper. I’m really happy that to print A3 is only 8c as I can fit 4 A4 pages onto one A3 by reducing the pages by 71%. For most of my classes, I don’t need to print too much as we use text books and work books and the students generally cope well but for my one 8th grade class I do need to print stuff out as they struggle and having straight forward worksheets is one of the best ways to help them learn.