Spaghetti Car

The perfect vehicle for navigating through Spaghetti junctions!

Today’s Gratitude Item: That this year the fast was easy. This might have something to do with the overcast weather. Whatever the reason, I’m grateful.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. runnerfrog

    This one is quite surrealistic; nice.

    One day fast can be hard? Come on, hunger is on the psyche. 🙂 Need a fasting buddy? There would be fasting groups around… the internet serves many purposes aside porn 🙂

  2. runnerfrog

    uh-oh, was joking because in my extreme ignorance never expected a complete fasting day, meaning without water! Now, that’s something notably serious, and I see I was stupidly disrespectful and I’m sorry.

  3. Dzeni

    Its not a problem 🙂 Most people don’t realise. To be fair, its not that big a deal. Some people find it “easy” to fast and others have a tough time. For me, it was easy. It helps that I don’t drink coffee and thus was not going through caffeine withdrawal.

    I did not take your comment in a bad way 🙂 I thought it was sweet that you offered to my “fasting buddy”.

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