The graphic below is the result of a lot of luck and a little tweaking.

Today I am thankful for a wonderful little chain of stores called “The Cheesecake Shop”. The name is a bit of a misnomer as they sell a lot more than cheesecake. I acquired a magnificent Boston Mudcake from them today for the end of year Dance party that I am going to tonight. Lets hope it tastes as good as it looks.
Jenni, did you do this in Apophysis? Luck or not, that is one incredible image. My mind goes wild with the possiblilities of what it could be. The colors are outstanding. I see a World’s Fair bazzar perhaps. Maybe an Olympic village. I just can’t stop staring at this one. Very, very nice.
Hi There,
I was surfing the web today and I came across your website, and I was wondering why don’t you submit your blog to the new zealand blog aggregator at
Great one! Love the colors
Absolutely Outstanding Work