Phone Book Success

Those of you have been reading this blog for a while may remember that back in October, I went a bit crazy asking everyone to vote for one of my artworks. The aim was to win the YPG Art Awards and have my work featured on the front of the Auckland White Pages.

The process had its ups and downs but the good news is that “we won”! This is very much a “We” effort as without the support of my students, colleagues and buddies from around the world the piece would not have won. So, if you voted, and / or helped spread the word, please pat yourself on the back and enjoy the moment.

Here’s a picture of the phone book:

Today’s Gratitude Item: Finally getting our copy of the phone book! Some areas got theirs last weekend and we’ve had to wait until today for ours to arrive. Normally this would not be a problem but I’ve been really keen to see how it looks.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. runnerfrog

    Justice! Was the best concept.

  2. Ashwin Rao

    Congratulations !!

  3. Mchilly

    Nice one…

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