
You’ve heard of E-mail. Here is an “E-Mountain”.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Trée

    Beautiful. Pray tell, how to you get this look? Excellent work.

  2. Dzeni

    I used Apophysis 2.03b with the linear gradient. Getting this look required “playing” in the edit window (manipulating the triangles) and then zooming in on the desired section. 🙂

  3. Trée

    Thanks Dzeni. You do beautiful work with all these programs. 🙂

  4. Stacey Whaley

    People have been coming to me for fractal advice. I’m going to start sending them to you!

    I am just in awe with my visit to your blog today. Being away for so long and then coming to this. I’m simply stunned!

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