
I am really frustrated at the moment. Besides the problem of not having much to blog about, I am stiff and sore! Played basketball yesterday (which was fun) and danced “hard out” last night (also fun).

The good thing about basketball was that they let me play with the kids instead of the adults. This is good cause all the “adult” players were huge hulking men and if I had tried to play with them, I would have been squashed. The other good thing about playing with the kids is that for the first time ever, I had a fighting chance as I was not the shortest in the group (you can stop laughing now).

The bad thing about basketball is “the day after”. That is the one where all your muscles complain. Loudly. Not fun 🙁

The good thing about dance class last night was that a *relatively* large number of people showed up.

The bad thing was that we arrived at the end of a disco / fundraiser which meant that part of the time we were dancing to the accompaniment of the vacuum cleaner as the organisers cleaned up after the disco. The vacuum was so loud that we cold barely hear the music, even turned all the way up (deep sigh).

The other bad thing was that there were quite a large number of “newbies” to dance group and I think they got freaked out cause all the dances are new to them and it is a lot to take in.

My biggest frustration right now is waiting for someone to email me resources promised last Thursday which have not yet arrived (its Monday night now). I need these to do my job effectively. My boss (who is great) has told me to wait until Wednesday and then try asking again. I promised him I would be polite.

Note: The madder Dzeni is, the more polite she appears. When she is very, very polite, you better look out cause she is livid*!!

*Livid is (polite) Dzeni speak for “Pissed / Mad as Hell”